What is the number one top state for human trafficking?

The United States is once again classified as one of the worst countries in the world for trafficking in persons. According to a report recently published by the State Department, the three main nations of origin for victims of trafficking in persons in 2018 were the United States, Mexico, and the Philippines. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo presented the report on trafficking in persons, created annually by the State Department to document trafficking in persons the previous year, and highlighted the growing interest that government agencies and non-profit organizations have dedicated to stopping human trafficking. The Department of Justice provided more than $ 31 million to 45 victim service providers that offered services to trafficking survivors nationwide.

The United States is the number one consumer of sex around the world. So we are driving demand as a society.

If there is a conclusion of our reports, it is that the industry is driven by an incessant demand. This is where the officers focus their compliance actions. And it is where the defenders focus their educational efforts to end the illicit trade."The United States is the number one consumer of sex in the entire world. So we are driving demand as a society. "

These are American children, born in the United States, with 50% to 60% of them leaving the foster care industry.

"We are also driving demand with our own people, with our own children," Rogers said. "So there are a lot of children, a crowd of children who are sold as sex slaves in the United States today. "These are American children, born in the United States, 50 percent to 60 percent of them leaving the foster care industry."
Rogers says that because the demand is so great in the US UU., The traffickers are filling that demand with a greater offer of forced sex workers.
"So the demand here in the United States is global," he said. "We have men traveling around the world to go to places like Thailand and other places in East Asia to buy sex with children, but in fact, the demand is so great that the offer has to be covered here in the United States."
"Due to the demand, these traffickers are filling that offer with the offer, and the demand is so great in the United States that they are filling the offer with our own children," Rogers continued.

It deals with people in the United States, if they are in the United States, 85 percent of the victims who are trafficked here are from here.

While Willett and other law enforcement officers focus on arrests and undercover operations, leaders in non-profit organizations take a more holistic approach to healing survivors. Brook Bello, the founder of the More Too Life anti-trafficking organization in Florida, focuses on helping develop skills to lead a successful life after trafficking.
"We work with victims who are 3 years old or older," said Bello. "The average victim we work with, who is older than 18, began to be raped at three, Traffic in the United States, if you are trafficking in the United States, 85 percent of victims who are trafficked here they are from here. "
The State Department report also reflects the domestic nature of sex trafficking in the United States. Despite the growing interest and concern surrounding state for human trafficking, there are gaps that leave victims and survivors without the care and resources they need to build a life beyond abuse.


Progress has been made on this front, but all too often many children can not get out of the clutches of their traffickers. In cities across the country and on the roads that connect them, police and defenders continue their struggle to eradicate human trafficking and cure those who survived.
